Sunday, November 18, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
“Gender Roles in America.” Web. Sun. 18 Nov. 2012
                Over the last 50 years there has been a large shift with regards to the position of women and men in society. Women have more opportunities for higher education and more job choices. Women have more choices in the outside world while at the same time they still have the traditional duties of caring for the home and for the family. The author states that men conduct themselves in a more aggressive way. According to the author, women do not yet feel comfortable being assertive. However, I believe this is because women often have a different style of communication. It is a fact that in the past, that woman was treated as a second class citizen. Men have not willingly given up their economic power and control. This is definitely true today. Nor did they want to let women into institutions of higher learning until relatively modern times. They first let women into colleges in the mid 1800’s, but they were confined to certain jobs like nursing and teaching.
Pretice, Deborah and Carraza.pdf. What Women and Men Should Be, Shouldn’t Be, Are Allowed To Be, and Don’t Have To Be: The Contents Of Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes.” Web. Sun. 18 Nov. 2012
                This article contains a lot of statistical analysis. It is a pdf and it is scientific. For that reason it is a very dry article, although it does have a good some good insights. “The qualities they (stereotypes) given to men and women are the ones that tend to be required of them. “ Some of the traditional values assigned to men and women are actually positive. For women to be kind and compassionate is a strength. For a male to be assertive and independent is a strength, also. These are stereotypes, but I think these qualities apply to both men and women. I think there is a blurring of gender roles these days to a certain extent.
Hayes, Jeffrey. pdf. “The Impact of Gender Role Conflect and Counseling Technique on Psychological Help Seeking in Men.” Web. Sun. 18 Nov. 2012
                For men, traditional roles have both a positive as well as a negative side. The positive side of the more traditional male roles is to be self-confident and assertive. The other side of this role is that men can be self-destructive and increased levels of stress. They may be less concerned about taking care of their health and less emotionally aware. The problem is that they are taught to be this way. However, with time, as a man matures he is more capable of sensitivity in relationships. The mature woman is more capable of moving effectively in the world professionally. The whole issue of gender is very complicated and I think that men and women are evolving to develop some of the characteristics of the opposite sex. Organized society is only ten thousand years old and evolution is something that goes on not only on a biological level but also on a inner level of awareness.

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