“Looking at Proposition 30”
Adrian Martino
September 29, 2012
Proposition 30
think Proposition 30 is vital to California’s future. Today education is a top
priority of Californians. Proposition 30
is a tax raise that will bring in approximately 6 billion dollars of revenue
for the California education system. The
money raised if Proposition 30 passes will be used for kindergarten through the
12th grade, also including Junior Colleges and the University of
California system. Proposition 30 will also be providing money for public
safety services like police departments and fire departments. Right now
Governor Jerry Brown’s proposal has a narrow lead in a recent field poll. Proposition
30 provides for a sales and income tax increase. What it does is raise
California sales tax from 7.25% to 7.5%. If Proposition 30 is passed, schools will
benefit by funding for education. Personal income tax for people earning over
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars will be higher. This tax increase for
the rich will last for seven years. This money guarantees funding for
California’s educational system. If Proposition 30 passes this November, then
reduction to education programs would not take place.
am a full time college student I am fully aware of the pros and the cons of
proposition 30. This is my third semester here at Cabrillo College and I can’t
imagine if Proposition does not pass. If Proposition 30 fails at the polls,
there will be approximately 780 less students here at Cabrillo College. Just
think about the impact across all college students here in California. Fortunately,
I am a full time college student. Depending on what happens this November will
decide whether I am able to go to school next year. Many classes could also be cut due to insufficient
funds. With such deep cuts in education if Proposition 30 fails, California
will fall even farther behind in its ability to keep up with foreign countries.
Many teachers have had their salaries cut in the last three or four years.
Support services like custodial services have been greatly impacted. If
Proposition 30 passes it will help to reduce California’s debt. In turn California will have a healthier
economy. More people will be able to take advantage of higher learning because
of Proposition 30. I am researching Proposition 30 for my English class at
Cabrillo College. Proposition 30 has sparked an interest in me because I am a
college student that might be affected.
to California state university officials, the acceptance of some students will
depend on whether Proposition 30 is passed this November. Recently in the Los
Angeles Times there was an article about a letter that was emailed to students
at California State University Monterey Bay. This letter stated that enrollment
will depend on whether Proposition 30 passes. Our California Governor Jerry
Brown is in favor of Proposition 30. I think he knows what is best for
California. I trust Governor Brown’s proposal to help education with the
Proposition 30 tax bill on this November’s ballot. Education is a top priority
for Californians.