Thursday, September 6, 2012


I think “Para Teresa” was written in English and Spanish because this person was fluent in two languages. This poem takes place in Texas in the late fifties. My mom is a bi lingual teacher. She has taught Jr. High students for 30 years. I will be sharing this poem with her I am sure she will love it.

Situations that happen to us in the past tend to make us who we are now.

 A situation or a fight took place in the late 50’s. The writer was able to look back at this incident and hindsight is always 20\20. I have a greater understanding of who I am now and who I was in the past. The writer I feel also has a greater understanding of who they were in the sixth grade for example. This poem talks about how life is in school. Being a sixth grade, student there is a complex mix between friends, family, teachers and self. In life you want to make your family happy. You want to be like your friends. You have to work with your teachers, and last but not least you have to adapt by dealing with who you are.

The seed does not fall far from the tree. I feel Teresa’s family wanted her to get a good education. Her farther spent time teaching her valuable math skills. Her family was a big influence on her life. They wanted their daughter to be a good person and a good student; I think these to go hand and hand. If you’re a good student odds are you’re a good person.

            What is Prop 30 good question? Well, I just read an article in I thought was quite interesting. Prop 30 has been in the newspapers and on T V lately. Prop 30 provides for a sales and income tax increase. What it does is raise California sales tax from 7.25% to 7.5%. If Prop 30 is passed, schools will benefit by funding for education. Personal income tax for people earning over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars will be higher. I think it is about time that the rich pay more tax because they can afford it. This tax increase for the rich will last for seven years. This guarantees funding for public safety services like police and the fire departments. In terms of income tax it should bring in about 6 billion dollars of revenue for the next seven years, Wow, that is a lot of money! If Prop 30 passes then reduction to education programs would not take place. Also, the Democrats and the California Teachers Association are strongly in favor of Prop 30. Hospitals and nurses are in favor. The Medical Association is also backing Prop 30. If voters pass Prop 30 there will be more pro’s than cons. For one they will not have to gut our public schools kindergarten through high school. Reading this article has sparked my interest in Prop 30 because my mother is a dedicated teacher and I am a full-time college student.,_Sales_and_Income_Tax_Increase_%282012%29

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