Sunday, November 11, 2012

Proposal # 2

                   I think the world is changing its view towards women. There are many factors including gender, race, and religion that determine people’s view towards gender. Here in America men and women are treated as equals according to our constitution and laws. How are people equalized in our society? How is it enforced? Now men and women have the right to vote.  Men and women can both be in the military, and women are now allowed to fight and be in danger. Today’s laws apply both equally to men and women. Today’s laws apply to the abled and disabled.  If you commit murder you will get the same sentence whether you can walk, or if you can’t walk, whether you can hear, or can’t hear, and if you’re blind or not blind.  Our constitution insures that people are treated equally.
                According to the author Reihan Salam, male dominance is beginning to decline. However, the economic problems caused by the great recession, have speeded up the process. “More than 80% of job losses in the United States since November have fallen on men, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor statistics.” At the same time, women are becoming more and more educated. This shift in power will force men to accept women in positions of power at the work place. The collapse in the housing market put many lower skilled males like construction workers out of work. Jobs in construction and manufacturing won’t disappear, but they will make up a smaller percentage of the economy. Western countries are somewhat more open in allowing women into positions of power. This is not the case in most third world countries like Asia, Russia, and the Middle East. With this great recession women have suffered more than men because they tend to get paid less and have less economic control.

                I think that the movement towards women’s equality will take place at a much slower rate in third world countries. There are many countries in which the female has been in a subordinate position for thousands of years. Today’s battlefield will take place culturally. In non-western countries this will take a long time because of the weight of tradition. The more educated that men and women become the more that they will realize that they are equal in every way. As women become more financially powerful, this will decrease the burden on men economically. If men don’t have to carry women around economically, there will be less friction between the sexes.

On a biological level, males are more aggressive than females.  Therefore, I think there will always be friction between the sexes. However, the issue of empowerment of women is critical for society to go to the next level. This will happen to the extent that women become educated.  The human race has been around for two million years. However, civilizations have been around for 10 to 11 thousand years. Third world countries are called third world countries for a reason. This is because they are backwards in many ways and their belief systems are very primitive. The empowerment of women is critical for civilization to evolve to a higher level.


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