Title: From Fly-Girls to Bitches and Hoes
Author: Joan Morgan
Date: 1999
Sexism and Racism in Hip Hop
According to the article “From
Fly-Girls to Bitches and Hoes” written by Joan Morgan, it talks about the new
school of rap. In it she talks about violent lyrics, selfish individualism, and
women hating. Morgan talks about two main things in this article- sexism and
racism. The early rap music was not negative towards women, but that has
changed. Rap has evolved into a negative and hateful attitude towards women.
Rap music is a way for young black males to express the pain they feel in a
white society. Black males are often powerless. This is why they lash out
towards women because women are perceived as more vulnerable. These days music
sells if it includes violence and sex. Of course, music companies want to sell
music even if it exploits women. Joan Morgan is a feminist, but she wants to
understand the black male.
“Lord knows our love jones for
hip-hop is understandable.”(pg.602) I grew up listening to rap music. I love
rap music. Now that I am grown up I now understand that a lot of rap music is
glorified and fake, a lot of gibberish just to sale music. Rap music does have
a big influence on today’s society. I like booming bass and hardcore beats.
There is more to rap than just a parental advisory sticker. Different people
talk about different things and different rappers rap about different things
depending on whom, what and where they’re from. I agree with Morgan. She says
that we might love rap music, but is it really good for you? Since these days
rap glorifies drug use, drug dealing, and gang banging just to mention a few of
the negative aspects to rap.
Morgan says “One of the most
important lessons you will ever learn in life and love, is that you’ve got to
love people for what they are not for who you would like them to be.”(pg.604) I
agree totally with this quote. You should not judge a book by its cover. Like
the old expression goes, love makes the world go around. “We’ve got to continue
to give up the love but from a distance that’s safe.”(pg.604). Today women are
used and abused on rap videos and rap songs. This is not right in my opinion.
If a young man grows up listening to gangster rap he might end up treating
women like bitches and hoes. I have to admit that rap music is not a good
influence at all. Rap uses way too much profanity coupled with treating women
like sex objects. Today’s rap scene is a negative world. It makes me wonder what
twists and turns the rap world has in store. I have a feeling that it will be
all bad. Rap dwells on the negative too much in my opinion. On the other hand,
rap no matter how negative it might be is a career for countless people that provides
a good living and good lifestyle for families.
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